
Showing posts with the label podcast

Active Lifestyle - Mindful Podcasts

With the rise of digital media we are now fortunate to live in a culture that offers free Podcasts. Podcasts are the alternative and dare I say it intelligent up-grade from radio. They offer deep conversations and debates that address important topics.Such as politics, health and fitness, business and social taboos.These conversations are often interview lead by the channel curator; It's like reading someone biography but all you have to do is listen while the host asks the questions. Giving you a insight into someones life that is more often then none inspirational. If you are new to the Podcast world, here are a few inspirational Podcast channels. The great thing about these Podcast channel hosts is that they all have their own unique story to tell and therefore making them more interesting and engaging.  Under the Skin - Russel Brand We all know Russel Brand for his past rock-star, play-boy lifestyle, he has always been in the eye of the media and a little alternative...